- Name : 林晏如
- Email :
- Office Tel No. : 22313
- Research Expertise : 產業經濟、國際經濟、區域經濟 (Industrial Economics, Individual economics, Regional Economics, International trade theory, Leisure Economics, Applied Statistics)
Current Course
: FL15500 專業實習(Professional Practice)
AE41100 經濟學(一)(Economics)
AE36100 貨幣銀行學(Money and Banking)
AE42000 循環經濟與永續金融(Circular Economy and Sustainable Finance)
AE61700 研究方法與專題討論(Research Methodology and Seminar)
HS01000 樂活產業分析與行銷管理(Analysis and Marketing of LOHAS Industry)
- Name : 盧清城
- Email :
- Research Expertise : 經濟學、財務管理、效率與生產力、投資理論與分析 (International Economics, Financial Management, Studies on Empirical Finance and Economics, Strategic Marketing Analysis, Principle of Economics)
Current Course
: AE21800 商用軟體應用(Application on Commercial Software)
AE593A1 財務管理(Financial Management)