Status Full-Time
Name 陳疆平
Office Tel No. 23518
Research Expertise 產業實證研究、生產力與效率、環境與能源經濟、經濟發展與技術變動
職稱 Associate Professor
Current Course AE35000 企業實習A(Internship A)
AE41000 企業實習B(Internship B)
AE33000 個人理財規劃(Personal Financial Planning)
AE53200 金融機構與市場(Financial Institutions and Markets)
AE652A1 效率與生產力分析專題(Seminar on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis)
Year Paper Title
2024 周國偉, 陳疆平, 林柏君, 薛清松, 國際油價對消費者分類物價的不對稱轉嫁效果:亞洲四小龍國家案例, 台灣能源期刊, Feb. 2024
2023 周國偉, 陳建葳, 陳疆平, Does Quality of Primary Education Affect Total-factor Productivity? Evidence from OECD Countries, Business and Technology Innovation Journal, vol. 3, 2, Dec. 2023
2022 Ming-Chung Chang, Chiang-Ping Chen, Chien-Cheng Lin, Yu-Ming Xu, The Overall and Disaggregate China’s Bank Efficiency from Sustainable Business Perspectives, Sustainability, vol. 14, 7, Apr. 2022
2021 陳疆平, A Cross-Country Analysis of R&D Efficiency by Taking into Account Congestion, 商務與技術創新期刊 Business and Technology Innovation, Nov. 2021
2021 Chiang-Ping Chen, Ming-Chung Chang, Wei-Che Tsai, Dynamic Energy Efficiency, Energy Decoupling Rate, and Decarbonization: Evidence from ASEAN+6, SAGE Open, Aug. 2021
陳疆平, Measuring the efficiency of NBA teams: additive efficiency decomposition in two-stage DEA, annals of operation research
陳疆平, Energy consumption and CO2 emission in Taiwan’s iron-steel industries, Energy Sources, Part B:Economics, Planning, and Policy
陳疆平, Progressive Time Weighted Dynamic Energy Efficiency, Energy Decoupling Rate, and Decarbonization: An Empirical Study on G7 and BRICS, Sustainability
Year Paper Title
2021 Ming-Chung Chang, Chiang-Ping Chen, Environmental Regulation and Licensing: Environment, Social and Governance, 2021 International Conference on Business, Economics and Management for Non-contact Service, Oct. 19, 2021
2020 陳疆平, The Dynamic Performance of Energy Use in ASEAN Plus Six Countries, 2020 ICBEM International Conference of Business, Economics and Management in the Digital World, Oct. 05-07, 2020
2020 陳疆平, The Disaggregate Productivity Change in Taiwan’s International Tourist Hotels, 2020 ICBEM International Conference of Business, Economics and Management in the Digital World, Oct. 05-07, 2020
2020 陳疆平, Do National Parks or Different levels of Scenic Areas DriveLodging Business Performance?, International Conference on Business, Economics and Management in the Digital World, Oct. 05-07, 2020
Country School Name Department Degree
國立中央大學 經濟學系 博士 博士
國立交通大學 經營管理研究所 碩士 碩士
淡江大學 產業經濟學系 學士 學士
Experience Category Organization Title Department Job Title Duration
專任 應用經濟學系 副教授 2023.02 ~ 2024.07
專任 應用經濟學系 助理教授 2021.02 ~ 2023.01
專任 應用經濟學系 專案教師 2020.08 ~ 2021.01
專任 應用經濟學系 專案教師 2020.02 ~ 2020.07
實踐大學企業管理學系(進修部) 助理教授 2019.08 ~ 2020.01
修平科技大學行銷與流通管理學系 助理教授 2019.02 ~ 2019.07
國立高雄大學應用經濟學系 助理教授 2016.02 ~ 2018.07
台灣首府大學飯店管理學系 助理教授兼代系主任 2015.08 ~ 2020.01
財團法人台灣經濟研究院研究五所 副研究員 2012.07 ~ 2015.09